Friday, August 22, 2008

Big Step Forward

Today, we are writing about the things we see in our work. Is there any significance in our job? What’s happening on our company?

I was tasked to make blogs about our company the first time I got here. But it turned out that I was not making blogs at all. I was just constantly commenting on my boss’ blogs and was busy answering all the negative blogs about him. It has been my routine for three weeks now.

At first, I was just doing it because I was told to do so. But as I was following the story, I got more interested and was even excited to write the first comment. Things happening here are not just ordinary. They’re extraordinary. That’s because my boss is an extraordinary person with a lot of extraordinary things happening around him. You see, my boss is a very rich man and anywhere he goes, people are treating him good just to get money from him. And if they failed to do so, they started to hate him. That’s the main reason why my boss has a lot of enemies particularly in Thailand. Just because they can’t extort money from him, they ended up destroying my boss’ name on the internet. We already know how important the internet nowadays and how powerful it is to either make you or destroy you. They even ruined the company my boss has been building with them. What’s worst is they conspired and blame it all to my boss so the shareholders won’t have to go after them. And now they’re claiming they are members of the Mafia, a dangerous group of big time mobsters. My boss even received death threats so he was forced to leave Thailand.

And now that he’s here in the Philippines, he found friends and courage to fight back to regain all his properties left in Thailand and to clean up his reputation. Every day of his life, he’s been working real hard to achieve his goals. Since he lost GSBC, he’s now building a company called Spectrum Blue Steel ( We are currently looking for investors although we have some already. This company is promoting fightersoft ( ) and biosphere technology in the Philippines. It has been difficult for my boss to regain the trust he lost because of his enemies but everyday he’s making one step forward. And now that he has revealed the enemies’ dirty little secret, he’s ready to go. He just found out that those people involved in extorting money from him are the very people running another company named Cyberian! And take note, all the assets of the GSBC reported stolen are the same assets the Cyberians are now using. My boss has all the proofs. In fact, the Cyberians are now in trouble because after my boss revealed their secret, many people are coming after them. Those people just want their money back.

They invested in GSBC hoping they’ll gain more but look what happened. All ended up to nothing. But my boss has been taking care of them. In fact, he’s using his personal money just to fix this problem. But of course, it wouldn’t be enough. Many of them lost their respect to my boss and it’ll take years to gain it back. And now that my boss is proven innocent, still it isn’t enough because the damage has been done.
I admire my boss because he was brave enough to face his extraordinary problems. Now that the real criminals are caught, everything will change and I hope we’ll gain a lot of investors. Another big step forward. By the way, my boss is Ronald Flynn.
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